It may be an acquired thing; or something you were born to love. But the moment you are into a book that suits your taste and you simply cannot put it down, you have felt that indescribable moment when you are lost in a world of phonetics, sentences, clauses, and paragraphs. For that time, no matter how fleeting, you feel the complete feeling of being beside yourself. You aren't actually experiencing any tangible action, yet you are gaining experience.
I am all too familiar with this realm. It is probably a place where I have spent too much of my time. And not only am I obsessed with the experience of living in a world that doesn't exist, I feel the characters' mentalities and relate far more than is healthy.
It most likely all started with an 11-year-old boy who lived under the stairs. A boy most of us are familiar with whose iconic scar and knack for magic started a journey that changed a generation of people. The Harry Potter series arguably had little literary merit and probably will not be remembered in the way Twelfth Night or Romeo and Juliet are, however these books sparked a fire in the heart of a girl who fantasized and romanticized EVERYTHING.
Recently it dawned on me that I may want to incorporate reading into my life a little more than I have. I am sure I have read over hundreds of books, and this hobby of mine has led me to desire to record my own life in the form of literature.
My mind works this way:
- What is the point of life if I don't relate the experiences I am, well, experiencing?
- I could really tell a good story with the right placement and timing
- The world is amazing and I think I could really capture a fragment of it and I really want to capture a fragment of it and I love observing things around me so I better put that to good use darn it all.
So this realization made me do a few things. I decided that my major in college will have something to do with affecting the world around me (primarily through writing, ie a journalist, a Human relation specialist, etc). I also decided to read a lot more. I heard advice from an author that said writers who are pursuing that field need to a) read more, and b) write!
In conclusion, I just wanted to say I found out something pretty important about myself. I was talking to friends and some of them said they aren't readers because books start to bore them, and that is totally OK, however I pondered why I didn't feel the same way and why every book I read, or almost every, I had to finish. Then it hit me! BOOM! I like to know how things turn out! DUH!! That seems so obvious now that I am writing it on a blog that is probably only read by me and friends when I tell them to (thanks guys). But back to the "Ending Theory": I like to know endings. And it is probably because in truth, no one on this earth will know the endings to life events because our simple human brains cannot compute that sort of information. I do believe we can drastically change the outcome of things by the choices we make, but things like "how much money will I have by the time I am 40?" or "who will I marry?" are simply unanswerable until the time in which they have come to pass. So I guess I have this complex where I thoroughly enjoy finishing a book because it has an ending. Simple. But amazing, if you think about that.
So anyway I felt the need to record my thoughts on the all-too-permanent internet because I hope to one day look back be reminded that my 18-year-old self loved reading and "happily-ever-after" scenarios.
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