Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Pomp and Circumstance

OOOKAY... so it's been approximately over a year since I've blogged...

BUT now is the time more than ever. Why, do you ask? Well I am none other than completing only the single most important milestone in my adolescent years: Graduation of high school!

So as people know, I've never been too heavily in love with high school. We've sort of had this love/hate relationship. (sort of like unhealthy lovers many of you may relate to). And with that being said, I still have come to the conclusion that I indeed will miss my life as a kid. I may or may not have had a mental breakdown about growing up a time or two...

Now, many of you are in the same boat as me, or have been in it and are now sailing your yachts that are the future... Many as well may be trailing not far behind on your row boats, however, one thing is certain for those of us experiencing life as US citizens: we all have to go through high school. 

Yes, indeed, this blogpost just got so much more relevant to you! And why the totally cliche boat metaphors? Well it might have to do with the fact that I am speaking at graduation... *cue shy face. And the quote that I had to base my speech around goes as follows:

"We set sail on this new sea because there is new knowledge to be gained."
-John F. Kennedy

This quote is very applicable to high school, no? So between freaking out about speaking in front of thousands of people (can you say stage fright?!) and trying to maintain a good grade point average I would say I have a completely uninteresting life.

But that is what is so exciting is that I am soon going to enter a world filled with much excitement and experience and wonder! And not to mention cute college boys 

Also, I felt I needed to post my senior pictures somewhere and I am not too much of a instagram-selfie kind of person... So without further ado, my senior pics taken by the lovely and talented: Grace Brummer! (my cousin)

I promise I really tried to be photogenic!